Right and Dürr calculate climate impact of painting facilities for the automotive industry

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The climate tech company Right and the machinery and plant manufacturer Dürr are working together to calculate the climate impact of painting facilities for the automotive industry. The aim is to express the climate effect of coating as a degree Celsius figure. “This will enable us to support our customers even better in achieving their individual climate targets,” says Dr. Jochen Weyrauch, CEO of Dürr AG.

The X-Degree Compatibility (XDC) model from Right calculates the climate impact of an economic unit, for example a company or a factory. The result is expressed in degrees Celsius in a way that is both science-based and easy to understand.

Now that the calculation approach has been developed in a preliminary project, it is to be applied in practice. To this end, Right is developing a software prototype that Dürr can use to make the calculations available to its customers in a clear and transparent manner. In addition, the degree numbers for different painting concepts are currently being calculated to enable comparisons.

"If we can calculate the coefficient of performance of an individual technology, we enable buyers to understand the climate effect of their investment. This allows investment decisions to be made specifically with a view to their contribution to the 1.5 degree target. And that in turn is the prerequisite for more capital to flow effectively into the climate transition,” says Hannah Helmke, co-founder and Managing Director of Right. The results of the project are expected in Q4 2024.

Autor(en): api

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