Intelligent filter cleaning

In the case of surface filters such as filter cartridges or filter hoses, the dust cake that forms must be removed regularly. This cleaning is usually carried out by compressed air: either at fixed intervals or better depending on the differential pressure when pre-defined threshold values are reached. The PulseWatch system from Freudenberg adapts these cleaning thresholds fully automatically to the ageing of the filter element and the associated differential pressure development. According to the manufacturer, the permanent monitoring of the differential pressure combined with the intelligent control of the cleaning parameters and intervals provides the operators of dedusting systems with considerable efficiency and cost advantages. The intelligent control of the dedusting cycles is geared to the real need. It prevents both clogging of the filter and the resulting energy-intensive continuous cleaning of the compressed air. The service life of the filter elements increases. The significantly longer service life and availability increase the efficiency and productivity of the dedusting system. The reduced compressed air consumption and the reduced fan performance also reduce energy requirements and costs. Finally, the system enables measurement data to be evaluated in order to draw conclusions for sustainable process improvements.

Autor(en): Wi

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